An academic advisor is a professional at a college or university who assists a student in making choices concerning what courses to take, when to take them (sequence), how many credits it is advisable to take (course load), what major to pursue, and so forth.
Academic bankruptcy is the removal of an entire transcript or parts of it from a failed or underachieving record after a period of years has passed so that re-entry into an institution with course credit earned in the interim elsewhere is done without regard to the student’s earlier record.
These standards are expectations and requirements, such as the requirement to maintain a certain grade point average, that students must comply with in order to remain in good standing at an institution of higher education. Academic standards may also include the requirement to adhere to an academic code of conduct and would also typically address… Continue Reading Academic Standards
Academic year refers to the annual schedule of each institution. Academic years are usually divided into quarters, semesters or trimesters. (Note: All public institutions of higher education in South Carolina operate on the semester system.)